The Embassy of the Peoples Republic of China i Phnom Penh

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CambodjaThe Embassy of the Peoples Republic of China



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156, Mao Tse Toung Boulevard (245), 12311, Phnom Penh, Chamkarmon, KH Camboya
kontakter telefon: +855 12 810 928
internet side:
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Latitude: 11.5437194, Longitude: 104.910962

kommentar 5

  • Khemarin Sambath

    Khemarin Sambath


    Applying Chinese Visa for official training, workshop or meeting are more convenience. Parking space is good for motorbikes.

  • en

    max powers


    Tried to apply for a tourist visa. As I wanted to travel through Vietnam before entering China they wanted to see a travel document from vietnam to china so I bought a bus ticket and showed up the next day. Then they wanted to see how I get from Cambodia to my last stop in Vietnam before entering China. Travelling from south to north Vietnam and the entering china it was not possible for me to plan the whole 6 weeks beforehand. Didn't understand why they need to see how I reach my last stop in Vietnam this is not of your business, a ticket entering and leaving China should be enough. So even I had my whole month hotels prebooked and every imaginable other document they requested they just send me back home. While beeing there for about an hour not even one of all the persons applying was accepted but rudely sent away. Save your time and energy and ask an agency to do it for you or apply in the country you are before your china trip.

  • T Twardowski

    T Twardowski


    I c most of people complaining abt service... wish u good luck with yr visa in other places.... I found Cambodia as an easiest and fastest place to make a visa to china. u pay 70 usd and in 20 min u get double entry... its heaven compares to other places like Thailand or hk where after hours in cue u get constantly rejected without any reason... at least here this guys will provide u full info in a case if they have som doubt. also cue is always short and in general for me it was never hard experience. highly recommend to apply visa here over th, hk or Mongolia... other places no experience at all. just b patient, keep smiling, b polite and make sure u got all docs they might require u to show... anywhere else it will be only more difc. u didn't get granted here - better go yr former country

  • Christin Wanderlust

    Christin Wanderlust


    This place is really everything else but friendly. We tried to apply for a tourist visa and were sent away very rudely because something was missing. Such a pity and we wondered why people here were so unfriendly to potential tourists who want to visit their country. Worst of all, our locker wouldn't open when we wanted to leave (you have to lock your belongings outside the building). Nobody was willing to help us. We were told to stop trying to open the locker because after like an hour we weren't to relaxed about it anymore. But instead of helping all we got was the message, that we should wait "10 minutes", then "20 minutes", then "1 hour". Never again.

  • Cyan Chan

    Cyan Chan


    It is necessary to come here if your HKSAR passport gets lost by any reason. However, it may not be a pleasant experience, but you can at least get the documents you need to go home. NB: they could get it done the same day, that's impressive!

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