Embassy of Germany i Phnom Penh

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CambodjaEmbassy of Germany


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Yougoslavie Boulevard (214), Phnom Penh, Prampir Makara, KH Cambodia
kontakter telefon: +855 23 216 193
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Latitude: 11.5596147, Longitude: 104.9192655

kommentar 5

  • Channa Leong

    Channa Leong


    Embassy Germany when open?

  • Piseth Sam

    Piseth Sam


    Please calling to make appointments you go.

  • Local Guy

    Local Guy


    The embassy is located in a very good location in the city. A natural campus so does the surrounding area.

  • Christian Skoda

    Christian Skoda


    Good and quick service, applied for new passport. Staff sent email and text messages to update about status. Building was under renovation when I visited, still staff was friendly and accommodating.

  • Jasper Paas

    Jasper Paas


    BAD SERVICE! The embassy is making business with PIRAMID translations, by auto filling all their appointments full for the first 2 weeks, than if you contact them that it is always full they send you to piramid translation to make an appointment, this of course will cost you money. and suddenly you can make an appointment for the next day, while on the website it says its fully booked for 2 weeks straight. This is a very khmer way of doing business, not something the german embassy should do.

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