Embassy of Japan (PhnomPenh, Cambodia) i រាជធានី​ភ្នំពេញ

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CambodjaEmbassy of Japan (PhnomPenh, Cambodia)



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194, Preah Norodom Boulevard, រាជធានី​ភ្នំពេញ, ចំការមន, KH Cambodia
kontakter telefon: +855 23 217 161
internet side: www.kh.emb-japan.go.jp
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 11.5410549, Longitude: 104.9285239

kommentar 5

  • Sarom Em

    Sarom Em


    I been there one time in 2012

  • SC Chan

    SC Chan


    The Japanese deserve a 5 rate for taking khmer Riel for payment currency to process the VISA fee.

  • Manith Prum

    Manith Prum


    We're not allowed to carry in any electronic devices. Such high level security place!

  • Local Guy

    Local Guy


    The embassy is located on the Preah Norodom Boulevard, just right on the opposite side of the Senate of Cambodia. The security is very high. The building is in Japanese style, and the environment is very good.

  • Sopheak Meas

    Sopheak Meas


    The embassy itself has a cool design, cool building color like many of those buildings I have seen in Japan. Like my friends, I didn't have a good experience with the embassy's visa section Khmer staff. She just didn't have any customer relations at all, plus simply being rude.

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