Embassy of Australia i Phnom Penh

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CambodjaEmbassy of Australia


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National Assembly Street, Phnom Penh, Chamkarmon, KH Cambodia
kontakter telefon: +855 23 213 470
internet side: cambodia.embassy.gov.au
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 11.552789, Longitude: 104.9357825

kommentar 5

  • en

    A. Schulzey


    Drinks were super overpriced even for the area. Inside was nice, non-smoking air-conditioned unlike the rest of Cambodia, and the service was top notch. Very un-australian; security with no beer belly or scary bouncers, non-rusted metal exteriors, security, helpful people and more security. And no snags, no barbe. Not able to have a beer and a ciggie in the interview, not even with a tuk tuk drivers guarantee. I asked for their recommendation and they said get the "Emergency Passport", I thought it sounded French so I asked for one of those. It took a whole 12+ hours to get and it was rediculous.

  • Chea Chanratanak

    Chea Chanratanak


    Australia embassy is so late for student visa class , they say they toke 1 - 2 month for Checking applicants information , is not good for applicants applicant is apply for study not apply to be to wait you answer , But Your embassy keep your visa like gold , if me I don’t want to go Australia . China , USA , is better for me .

  • Cliff Perry

    Cliff Perry


    The beer was not cold

  • Anthony Galloway

    Anthony Galloway


    my passport was water damaged and the process to apply for a replacement was simple and painless. Great job guys

  • Margaret Tra

    Margaret Tra


    Went there asking them for visa help, they directed me to a visa place that would not assist me. Incorrect information by an Aussie embassy isn't really what I was expecting. Better to ask a travel agency to be honest.

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