Rock Bar i Phnom Penh

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CambodjaRock Bar



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787-789, Preah Monivong Boulevard (93), 12257, Phnom Penh, Chamkarmon, KH Kambodscha
kontakter telefon: +855 70 777 250
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 11.5365591, Longitude: 104.9240106

kommentar 5

  • Massimo M

    Massimo M


    This place is A karaoke with VIP Room, so if maybe You want to change to disco party they have a proffesional Dj special playing music what you like.. very big vip room.




    Rock entertainment center one of the biggest one in Phnom Penh good service, good located, good environment and clean in the room, but expensive.

  • en

    Rasy Ouk


    A high class entertainment center. Many services provise here such as KTV, club, cocktail bar/lounge...

  • Sochny Meas chan

    Sochny Meas chan


    the place will have a high ceiling. Adobe lamps covered with plastic vines hang from the rafters, while bamboo lines some walls and colourful posters others. There will also be a pool table and, as owner Jun Rockwell is keen to point out, the bathrooms will be spacious and gender-divided, in contrast to the cramped, vandalised WC of the old location.

  • Sajid Salim

    Sajid Salim


    The club have lost its charm over time. The steam, sauna and Jacuzzi is good, which is hardly visible for any one who does not know it exists. ok place

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