Space Hair Salon and Bar i រាជធានី​ភ្នំពេញ

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CambodjaSpace Hair Salon and Bar



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136 St, រាជធានី​ភ្នំពេញ, ដូនពេញ, KH Cambodia
kontakter telefon: +855 16 916 263
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Latitude: 11.5705011, Longitude: 104.9271792

kommentar 5

  • Tom Solaru

    Tom Solaru


    My wife and I with two friends of ours enjoyed a few relaxed drinks here one evening. Much nicer than the bars around the corner. Cool vibe with excellent cocktails and service. We had a nice chat to the owner who was very warm and welcoming.

  • Joey Sauer

    Joey Sauer


    Cool bar - super friendly guys. I wandered in alone which is always awkward, especially a lively, small gay bar, but was quickly joined by a friendly worker called Vireak who was super cool and friendly. I wound up returning a few times and always had a good time! Obvi they want you to drink and spend and not just chat away, but they weren’t too bad about it. I don’t like alcohol much so they were slightly annoyed by my non-alcoholic orders.

  • Lek Chai

    Lek Chai


    This bar is not gay bar. Staff is nice, but all is straight... Only owner is gay.... Boys is really hot. You can spend money to much to have good fun. And that is all. Only game...

  • Russ Lacuata

    Russ Lacuata


    Love the concept. With outdoor patio seating. Music was good. And cocktails are very potent. Good Looking workers that will sit with you and have a conversation. No extra pressure to buy them drinks.

  • en

    Mahesh Advani


    It's a fun bar... Gay friendly.. A hair salon during the day and a bar at night. Had a haircut myself there. Went back at night and was amazed at the transformation. My hair cutter Was a wonderful host and the bar was full of a great fun loving dancing crowd that happily danced and rocked its way till one.. That too on a week day.. Prices for drinks are extremely reasonable. I'd recommend it anytime.

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