The Mansion i Phnom Penh

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CambodjaThe Mansion


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Phnom Penh, Cambodia
kontakter telefon: +855
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Latitude: 11.5666023, Longitude: 104.9310472

kommentar 5

  • peak mercier

    peak mercier


    It is ok oy to see live band .

  • en

    Sandro Arimondo


    Historical place , World heritage protect by UNESCO lovely bar and beautiful ambience especially in the night when the light sistem is on

  • Long Chamnap

    Long Chamnap


    A very good place to hangout and to have a drink with friends

  • Matthieu Faure

    Matthieu Faure


    L endroit est bien situé. Belle vue. Super cocktail detox, un régal. Tarif ok. Attention a l addition, il s etait trompé pour ma part. Wrap crudité très bon et les frites aussi. Je recommande cet endroit

  • en

    Stormy X


    One star is too generous, but there's no way to give fewer. The service is terrible. The last time I went, and the last time I will ever go, it took more than 20 minutes to get 2 beers, one of which was warm, and neither were our first choices because they didn't have them in stock. The staff don't care, probably because they get the 5% service charge whether they perform or not.

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