Freebird Bar and Grill i Phnom Penh

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CambodjaFreebird Bar and Grill



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69, Oknha Chhun St. (240), Phnom Penh, Daun Penh, KH Cambodia
kontakter telefon: +855 23 224 712
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Latitude: 11.5597822, Longitude: 104.9277477

kommentar 5

  • en

    Terry Williams


    The barman there (maybe the owner?) Henry, knows how to make really good drinks... Ask him for his specialty... It tastes like a pie that is familiar all across the states.

  • steve doolin

    steve doolin


    We really enjoyed the drinks, food and the time we were able to spend with Henry, all and all a very good spot to visit when you are in Phnom Penh

  • en



    Quiet little bar in Street 240. Great place if you want to talk. Great staff, good music, and reliable food. The manager is a really nice guy to talk to as well. Would give 6* if it only had sports on TV. I really like this bar.

  • Jeremy Mazzola

    Jeremy Mazzola


    I have been going to this place (almost exclusively for breakfast--all day) since 2009 and through three owners. The food is great--especially the breakfasts--and it is not expensive. Also, they deliver to most areas of Phnom Penh. The staff are all well-trained, extremely polite and cute young women with good English; however, this is NOT a lady bar, or anything like it. The food is distinctively American, and it used to be a big hit among the American Embassy crew when it was one of the only places of its type. It is cozy with nice lighting and it doesn't skimp of the air-conditioning--although the new owner doesn't keep it quite as cold as the former owner, who was a bit of a prick...the tradeoff is worth it. The new owner is a German who has spent many years in the States with extensive restaurant/bar experience, and it shows. The new owner has put in a cigar/brandy/whiskey shop on the top floor, with high-end booze and cigars, but there is no smoking in the main restaurant and bar...the cigar lounge upstairs is far enough away with high quality air fliters so that you would never know it was there if you don't do smoking restaurants. This is a great place to get western-American meals, especially the breakfast. The American breakfast at about $5 is hearty; the Freebird breakfast at about $7.5 always lasted me two meals with three eggs, sausage, bacon and ham, homefires or hashbrowns (both well done), fried Mushrooms, coffee and orange juice included. One of my favorite parts about Freebird is the condiment tray with all four types of Tabasco and Kampot Black pepper.

  • 최재호



    Long time US owned bar with good American bites. If you miss American restaurant, this is your next stop for quick breakfast or lunch. Very comfortable settings with friendly staffs.

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