Tom Yum Kung Restaurant i រាជធានី​ភ្នំពេញ

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CambodjaTom Yum Kung Restaurant



🕗 åbningstider

10, St. 278, 12302, រាជធានី​ភ្នំពេញ, ចំការមន, KH Cambodia
kontakter telefon: +855 23 720 234
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 11.5551338, Longitude: 104.9240017

kommentar 5

  • sreypich ly

    sreypich ly


    great thai food... affordable price....

  • Ilsa Rozlan

    Ilsa Rozlan


    Yummy cheap and big portion

  • Sophy Phann

    Sophy Phann


    The food is delicious here plus the environment is good for a group discussion.

  • en

    Mat Rathana


    I like thailand food. price is good and nice food

  • nic R

    nic R


    The restaurant looks pleasant from the outside and is quite inviting inside too. Staff are efficient. We were served quickly. We didn't wait too long for our food, around 10 minutes. We ordered coconut water. I didn't drink mine as it was on the turn and beginning to ferment. My husband's one was too but not as bad as mine. I ordered a vegetable and pumkin soup with chicken, which was tasty. My husband ordered a sour and spicy chicken soup with tomatoes. It was neither sour nor spicy and had pineapple in. He said it was ok. We had a steamed rice to share. The total bill came to USD$10.

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