Fat Boy's Burger i Phnom Penh

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CambodjaFat Boy's Burger



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Phnom Penh, Cambodia
kontakter telefon: +855 23 900 849
internet side: fatboyscambodia.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 11.553871, Longitude: 104.924965

kommentar 5

  • Gordon G. Joseph

    Gordon G. Joseph


    I love the Burger's here. However, do not try other stuff. We ordered fish n chips and it was undercooked and slimy.

  • Siborey Sean

    Siborey Sean


    The service is amazing. The staffs there are very welcoming. The burger tastes good. Not mind-blowingly amazing or unique, though. The atmosphere is fine. Things are kinda in the mediocre level.

  • en

    Thomas Wee


    I find my burger here was better than the one I had at the Aeon outlet. Really crispy bun. Yummy.

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    Though the service quality has increased from the poor standard it was at before. So has the prices, while the food quality has decreased, as well as the portions. It used to be a great place to eat at. But it's gone from slightly expensive to unjustifiably expensive.

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    Space S


    Edited: from 5 stars to 2. Cutting in quality and increasing prices is not a recipe for success. We enjoyed this restaurant until it was a great place to have food. Not anymore.

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