Sher-E-Punjab Indian Restaurant i រាជធានី​ភ្នំពេញ

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CambodjaSher-E-Punjab Indian Restaurant



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16eo, Street 130, 12204, រាជធានី​ភ្នំពេញ, ដូនពេញ, KH Camboya
kontakter telefon: +855 23 216 360
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Latitude: 11.571791, Longitude: 104.928918

kommentar 5

  • Deepak Lanka

    Deepak Lanka


    An amazing experience to enjoy Indian food. The quality is good along with quantity.

  • Mohan Gautam

    Mohan Gautam


    Good food,Good staff and good location.please every one can enjoy here on indian meals.

  • Davuth



    Could have given 5 star but it just lacks of parking. Best Indian food restaurant ever in Phnom Penh. I am always willing to try Indian foods but none can't beat this.

  • Galen Armfield

    Galen Armfield


    Amazing! I ordered my favorite dish, butter chicken curry. I was impressed by the quality of the food and the taste was amazing! Staff are very friendly here and it is a comfortable place to eat. Plenty of tables for couples or even small groups.

  • Aleš Šumah

    Aleš Šumah


    Hands down the best food we've had in Cambodia during our 18 days stay. Also one of the better Indian restaurants we've been to..ever. Also vegetarian friendly, which is a rare occasion in Cambodia. Ambient could be better and the space is rather tight.. I'm still giving it a 5 star mark...for the food.

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