Phnom Penh India Restaurant i Phnom Penh

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CambodjaPhnom Penh India Restaurant



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Preah Sisowath Quay, Phnom Penh, Daun Penh, KH Cambodia
kontakter telefon: +855 23 992 110
internet side:
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Latitude: 11.5675027, Longitude: 104.9311796

kommentar 5

  • en

    Emma Azwer


    Food all over Cambodia is kinda pricey (in my point of view of restaurants) they deal in USD so its not that much of a bargain where i'm from. Anyways, I find the food from this restaurant quite nice and affordable considering the portion and quality of the food. Easy to locate and its Halal.

  • tama Herdian

    tama Herdian


    Pleasant location with a nice view of Tonle River. Friendly waiters with efficient and informed service. superb food and the Angkor draft is so refreshing. Thank you India Restaurant.

  • peak mercier

    peak mercier


    I did not like it at all , bland tasteless. I was alone so they made me feel like i was taking a table for 4 & they where loosing money hoping me to leave faster that i could eat , price a bit high for cambodia .

  • en

    Dtfw Inc


    Have eaten at this restaurant two times so far.......great food & great service. Portions are very generous. Highly recommended! I will definitely dine there again. Also, it is located right on the riverfront you can enjoy a beer while waiting for your food and take in the scenery:)

  • Tristan Giallani

    Tristan Giallani


    The food was Delicious beyond belief. Outstanding customer service. River front view. A romantic and emotional experience, as one adventures into the world of exquisite Indian cuisine. Beyond 5 stars. Well worth the experience.

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