Bookshouse Cambodia i Phnom Penh

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CambodjaBookshouse Cambodia



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Saint 113, Phnom Penh, Chamkarmon, KH Kambodża
kontakter telefon: +855 70 501 324
internet side:
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Latitude: 11.5454855, Longitude: 104.9179888

kommentar 5

  • en

    Travis Lowrey


    A nice little bookstore hidden away on the 1st floor of the building. It doesn't have an exhaustive amount of books but a nice smattering of fiction and some nonfiction books.

  • KaZaneth Ros

    KaZaneth Ros


    Such a high service shop in Cambodia. what i love about this shop they will only provide you the best quality books. I never feel any regret buying from this shop. I'm so proud to know we got such an amazing shop in my own town, too!❤️❤️

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    chin sopheakkanha


    There are many bookstores in Phnom Penh city but the only bookstore which firstly always comes into my mind is Bookshouse Cambodia. This bookstore truly impressed me and I can feel that is the the best online bookstore in Cambodia. I completely feel more than comfortable when I enter this bookshop. The most important thing is that there are many different kind of books with the best quality. It gives trust to people and provides customers a very good and fast service. Moreover, the books in this bookstore have affordable price. As a bookish, I really appreciate this bookshop and if someone comes and asks me for bookstore recommendation, Bookshouse Cambodia must be my priority answer.

  • Long MengChheang

    Long MengChheang


    I'm very satisfied with this bookshop, from the service to the price. There's a lot of books from different categories to choose from with an affordable price range. I've pre-ordered some books from this bookstore, the books arrived on time and the price is the best. The books are cheaper compared to other bookstore. I really recommend this bookstore for those who are looking forward to buy any type of books.

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    Phy SomaViny


    Undeniably, this place is totally the most awesome book store I've ever known. It provides every type of books with the best quality and reasonable price, not to mention the service, this place undoubtedly has the most satisfying service which always reply as soon as we ask and get our books delivered on time when they arrive. This is the real-life heaven for all bookworms

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