ស្រលាញ់សៀវភៅ - Slanhseavphov Book Store i Phnom Penh

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Cambodjaស្រលាញ់សៀវភៅ - Slanhseavphov Book Store



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Saint 123, 12305, Phnom Penh, Chamkarmon, KH Camboya
kontakter telefon: +855 93 498 888
internet side: www.facebook.com
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Latitude: 11.5427961, Longitude: 104.917208

kommentar 1

  • Manith Jupiter

    Manith Jupiter


    Hello, This is Manith, Founder of Slanhseavphov. In Khmer, "Slanh" means "Love" and "Seavphov" mean "Book" so "Slanhseavphov" in English means "LoveBooks". We first started Slanhseavphov as a reading campaign back in 2016 by releasing my very first book called "ONE MISSION". Unexpectedly, One Mission got a huge hit across the country and has sold about 9000 copies now, plus, One Mission is producing into a TV Series and it's going to hit on television network in early 2018. Until now, Slanhseavphov have produced 3 books for their target local reader such as One Mission (2016), One Mission: Inner Slave (2017) and The Lake House (2017). After two years of running, 20,000 copies of our product have run on the local market successfully. In Slanhseavphov, we are focus on Quality, Creative and Activities for our readers and we believe that all of our books are more than just books. Slanhseavphov is a truly young generation spirit who passions in make greater things for our society. We do, we teach, we share to inspire our young generation to find their own dream. In this 2018, We are honored to announce that we are officially opening our own book store which provides Khmer books only to support our local product and local authors. In additional, you can find your favorite stationary including Notebook, Pencil, Book Mark and many more. From a reading campaign to a publisher, From a publisher to a book store, we are strongly hope that we can be a small thing to make you proud of. Let's celebrate great books with Slanhseavphov.

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