Khmer Surin i រាជធានី​ភ្នំពេញ

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CambodjaKhmer Surin



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57, Sangkat Boeung Keng Kang I, រាជធានី​ភ្នំពេញ, ចំការមន, KH Kambodża
kontakter telefon: +855 12 887 320
internet side:
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Latitude: 11.5549763, Longitude: 104.9246025

kommentar 5

  • en

    Charlie Dittmeier


    This was the first time I had the buffet and it was excellent. Our group really enjoyed themselves.

  • Leroy Williams

    Leroy Williams


    May 17 2018 - Great Food! Great Prices! Great Atmosphere! I have decided that this is my 'Favorite Restaurant of Choice', here in Phnom Penh. I only recently discovered this place (after visiting Cambodia regularly for 20 years), but I have visited it several times since, with several different friends. After eating Breakfast there this morning, I plan to dine there tonight for dinner. And as a parting present for my 20+ relatives and friends, I am treating them all to dinner there next week! Need I say more?

  • Michael Vong

    Michael Vong


    A garden-like ambiance, big leafy plants, water fountains, lily and fish pond - a real peaceful place to spend your meal times, soothing really.. A facade plants shield the restaurant from the noise and dust. We ordered the green curry, the Fish Amok which was lovely, and the Spicy Stir-fried Frog legs, and the Pineapple fried rice - also a winner. The frog legs, well, not so much. Prices are touristy but this place is comfortable.

  • zh-Hant

    Tammy Kuo



  • it

    Heldi Shahini


    In questo ristorante ci siamo andati due volte ed in entrambi i casi siamo trovati molto bene! Atmosfera romantica e molto curata. Sembra di entrare in un bosco...con in mezzo un laghetto. Cucina Khmer! Ambiente pulito. Il prezzo è medio e secondo me una buona qualità prezzo...consigliato!!!

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