Domino's i រាជធានី​ភ្នំពេញ

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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St. 51, 12302, រាជធានី​ភ្នំពេញ, ចំការមន, KH Kambodscha
kontakter telefon: +855 18002020
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Latitude: 11.5541659, Longitude: 104.9263138

kommentar 5

  • Julian Stein

    Julian Stein


    Always value for money.Always consitant.

  • Be Happy

    Be Happy


    The taste is okay. I came on Tuesday, they have promotion buy 1 get 1 free for medium and large size. The staffs are friendly. The price is reasonable. Only thing I don't like is staff used bare hand to fix pizza for me. They should wear glove for cooking pizza so I cut you 1 star for this. Wifi password is 66650888.

  • grant roberts

    grant roberts


    Nice pizza good value

  • Siborey Sean

    Siborey Sean


    If you want to taste a truly Italian Pizza then Domino isn't your place to be but for American pizza then we are talking at the right subject here. They have three sides of pizza and you can choose between thin and thick crust. Domino Pizza Cambodia often comes up with amazing promotion such as 50% off on every Tuesday and buy one free one on any particular day according to the Pizza shop. My advice is not to order the pizza during the promotion period after the working shift because it would be a very long wait for you to get your beloved pizza. The pizza tastes fine. My over experience is that I would occasionally order pizza from Domino again.

  • en

    Hod Ron


    Western taste with western prices. Good service.

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