Domino's Pizza Cambodia i Phnom Penh

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CambodjaDomino's Pizza Cambodia



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Charles de Gaulle Blvd (217), Sangkat Vealvong, Khan 7Makara, Phnom Penh, Camboya
kontakter telefon: +855 18002020
internet side:
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Latitude: 11.55901, Longitude: 104.909906

kommentar 5

  • Daisy Eu

    Daisy Eu


    Good have veggie pizza and staffs are friendly

  • en

    Hermerlene Eellyne


    Food quality 10/10. Friendly staff and cozy environment. There's a mini pond outside. Wifi available. Order tracking screen on the wall. Staff can be more attentive. Tables should be cleaned promptly.

  • Samorn Tuon

    Samorn Tuon


    I went there this afternoon. The taste is the best, the service also good, well designed and good view, I ask for shooting 360 degree photo free for let others people previews a heads but the staff don't understand about this feature.

  • en

    Space S


    Although it tastes a bit different from Domino's in Australia it is still one of the best pizza chains in town. There are several promotions available during the week and they deliver.

  • Local Guy

    Local Guy


    Domino is an American pizza brand. There are also many promotion programs that offered almost every day. The popularity was risen very fast at first. The taste of their pizza is good or acceptable for some people. More than that, the chicken here is very good. The staffs are friendly, and their service is fast.

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