Diamond Palace Hotel i Phnom Penh.

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CambodjaDiamond Palace Hotel



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No.128 E3-E4, Street Sothearos,Tonlebasak, Chamkarmorn District., Phnom Penh., Kambodscha
kontakter telefon: +855 93 555 838
internet side: www.newdiamondpalace.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 11.551406, Longitude: 104.932147

kommentar 5

  • en

    Ng Lee Gak


    Budget hotel with all the basics. Good service and clean rooms.

  • zh-Hant




  • en

    Marie Ho


    I had a deluxe double room with balcony. View was the roads and Buildings but i enjoyed this feature of the room. Black coffee in morning was good. Hot water and toilet works. Happy with everything. Remember to go watch 4D movies in aeon mall nearby . Can also walk to diamond island

  • Kim Polin

    Kim Polin


    The first hotel I think about when arrive Phnom Penh. Good hotel, cheap price, room charge including breakfast and close to Aeon mall. I have a good time at Diamond Palace Hotel.

  • en

    Brianna Hamblin


    We stayed here for 7 days. We booked a room with a double bed, but arrived to find out that the one we booked had no window. The carpet was stained and stunk. The bathroom above us was leaking, at times pouring into our bathroom. We asked to switch rooms. A new room was arranged for us, also with no window. It was clear this new room was not cleaned properly. The sheets were dirty and there was a old razor from the last person in the shower. The front desk, night staff told us they had no replacement sheets and no more available rooms. As it was already 11pm, we slept in our clothes on-top of the bedding. Both the rooms we had been in had all the lightbulbs removed, except for 2. If felt like we were in a dungeon. The next morning, the manager apologized for this situation. We were offered 1 free $6 massage in compensation. Which we were never able to use, as our days in Phnom Penh were fully booked. The front desk staff was very professional and kind, even though we felt we deserved more then a free massage. The standard of cleaning that we saw through out the hotel and in our room was below acceptable. While we were there another guest demanded a refund and left. The public bathrooms at the restaurant never had toilet paper or hand towels. Breakfast was decent, and was included in the price. The only good thing about this place was the friendly front desk staff.

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