Show Box i Phnom Penh

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CambodjaShow Box



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11, Saint 330, 12151, Phnom Penh, Dangkor, KH Camboya
kontakter telefon: +855 89 722 361
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 11.549832, Longitude: 104.91862

kommentar 5

  • Monica Obligacion

    Monica Obligacion


    Great vibe. Cool, friendly people from all over the world. They've got open mic nights, quiz nights, and happy hour to make fast friends of everybody. My fiance and I aren't big on beer, but a lot of the regulars were always so generous with beer during happy hour that we always had more beer than we knew what to do with. Our only complaint was that the bar list had a very, very limited selection of hard drinks, cocktails, and shooters. Despite that, Show Box remains our favourite watering hole in Phnom Penh.

  • ru

    Anna & Vladimir


    Худший коктель который мне делали . Заказал просто пимсс со спрайтом и огурцом и лаймом получил мусор плавающий в соде без лайма без вкуса просто ужас . Никогда больше.

  • adam grashoff

    adam grashoff


    The social hub of Phnom Penh, a real hidden gem definitely worth checking out! You can see expats and Cambodians perform side by side every Wednesday for open mic, and if you’re peckish they have a wide selection of mouth watering food, that’s fresh, clean and delicious!! Great vibes and great times to be had!

  • Mitsy Chanel-Blot

    Mitsy Chanel-Blot


    Dive bar that brings in a mix of locals, expats and backpackers. Great music that you can enjoy under the stars. Come hear for Open Mic to watch some great acts!

  • nheb yaro

    nheb yaro


    Western bar.

nærmeste Bar

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