Sakura recycle shop i Phnom Penh

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CambodjaSakura recycle shop



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Yothapol Khemarak Phoumin Blvd (271), Phnom Penh, Khan Tuol Kork, KH Cambodia
kontakter telefon: +855
internet side:
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Latitude: 11.5507839, Longitude: 104.8891055

kommentar 5

  • en

    chanvitou kheang


    Great place to find the Japanese recycled stuffs.

  • Piseth U

    Piseth U


    There are variety of secondhand stuffs at this shop. Mostly, they men, women, and baby clothing, dresses, kitchen supplies, electronic, table and chairs. Moreover, the furniture and dedication items look very interesting. Yet, you have to make sure that you select it carefully because once you decided to purchase there is no returning policy. Some many items found to be junks as well.

  • Im Nimol

    Im Nimol


    Favorite place before but now because the price are expensive than before and not so many stuff. Mostly they sale new products.

  • Myoura KANG

    Myoura KANG


    There are so much second hand things from Japan. Sometime we also can find a second hand Piano, celesta, music instrument that are good quality. There are also have kitchen equipment that pretty and high quality with cheap price. It's not a hot place, but shout not bring kids to here, because of sometime they could allergic with this place.

  • en

    Annabel St. Amour


    Big enough store where noone is following you, beautiful selection of teacup sets, decent parking.

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