The Frangipani Living Arts i Phnom Penh

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CambodjaThe Frangipani Living Arts


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Saint 123, Phnom Penh, Chamkarmon, KH Cambodia
kontakter telefon: +855 23 211 033
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Latitude: 11.5409978, Longitude: 104.9173066

kommentar 5

  • en

    Roshan vichare


    NICs budget Hotel...Best thing about Staying here is Their Staff is Very polite also its location is gd...All must watch places n Russian market is in vicinity...

  • en

    Joe Stoltenow


    Excellent customer service! I’ve been using this hotel for volunteers for two years now and I’m never disappointed with the service. Rooms are nice and clean also. The sky bar is also quite enjoyable. Breakfast is fantastic and the location is great too.

  • Jeff Davis

    Jeff Davis


    I'll go with the good first. Great location and very close to some nice restaurants, shops, gyms, laundry, etc. The breakfast buffet was the best out of 3 hotels we stayed at. Kinda warm if you weren't close to to the A/C's but left the hotel every morning feeling full. Rooms were decent. Not 4 star level. The Bad: The elevator was broken when we got there and we had to carry our bags up 4 to 5 flights of stairs which really sucked. The fixed it, but talk about bad timing. Took 20min for our rooms to get cooled down so the A/C unit wasn't optimal. Shower/bathroom had some bugs and dirt but the water was hot and not a bad place. If you are looking for a decent place to save some money then this is a good option. If you want something nice I would look somewhere else.

  • Charles Tran

    Charles Tran


    Alot better than 10-20 bucks places. Worth the extra money. Employees were great! Breakfast was good. Not the best in alot areas but way better than some cheap room. Roof top pool and sky bar. Would stay AGAIN!

  • Lorenzo Tarantino

    Lorenzo Tarantino


    Average hotel. Staff was very friendly and helpful. Breakfast buffet was excellent and extensive, with slight variations every morning. Unfortunately the facilities are holding it back quite a bit. The hotel seems old, and it shows in the quality of the atmosphere and the rooms and services. Mostly everything needs a makeover or straight upgrade from the lobby to the restaurant to the room. The internet was in particular extremely frustrating. It seemed to be either not set up properly or had hardware problems, as my devices were required to sign in again every single time they went to sleep or I turned them on. It was also quite slow, with the average being 2mbps. The restaurant food, while excellent in quality and service is quite overpriced considering local prices at surrounding restaurants. Overall my stay here of 27 days was acceptable, and for the most part enjoyable. That being said, next time I would look elsewhere for a slightly more modern or just higher quality hotel.

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