The 252 Boutique Hotel i Phnom Penh

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CambodjaThe 252 Boutique Hotel



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Street 252 #11, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
kontakter telefon: +855 23 998 252
internet side:
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Latitude: 11.556695, Longitude: 104.921246

kommentar 5

  • en

    eugenia gomez-escobar


    Great little hotel. Perfect for us. Great breakfast. Beautiful pergolas. Rooms a little spartan but nothing to complain about, maybe the lack of hot water. If you go there get a room with pool view. The rooms in the back have no view or whatsoever. The owner and staff were really helpful and welcoming.

  • en

    Laurent Brun


    Phnom Penh is a nice capital but always Noisy. The 252 Hotel is really a oasis in the center of the city, excellent location to see all the Phnom Penh attraction. Room are well decorated, big and clean, with a really nice bathroom. Restaurant serve a excellent local foo, try the khmer set menu with a good french red wine. Pool area very nice. Excellent staff. We will back soon

  • Frank Ainul

    Frank Ainul


    I stayed here for three days (two nights). The beds are hard, make sure you ask for a soft top. The employees are formal, but friendly. Breakfast is ordered from a menu and is limited/sober. Rooms have wooden floors, which makes it a little bit noisy. There is no lift.

  • en

    Fernand Boyard


    Super stay at the 252 Good pool area! Room clean and nice Fantastic staff

  • Katherine Cheng

    Katherine Cheng


    Amazing staff who are super friendly and demonstrate true hospitality! I felt like I was home. The rooms were always cleaned well, beautiful pool and relaxing place close to many restaurants and stores. Easy to get anywhere from the hotel and staff help explain! The food is delicious, too, with western and khmer options. You'll love it. The hotel staff go above and beyond to make your stay perfect. Amazing management, Nicole and Stefan. If they're not too busy ask for their story. Wish I could give 7 stars!

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