Police Khan Toul Kork i Phnom Penh

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CambodjaPolice Khan Toul Kork


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Saint 261, Phnom Penh, Khan Tuol Kork, KH Cambodia
kontakter telefon: +855 12 232 425
internet side: www.police.gov.kh
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Latitude: 11.5550253, Longitude: 104.8954516

kommentar 5

  • en

    John White


    The police in Sorya Mall near Central Market are corrupt. They use druggies to sell their drugs and then ask for a bribery. These people should be investigated and prosecuted. If you've had a similar situation call the Anti corruption and anti drug offices, whose number no longer works. If you know someone to call Please post the numbers. These low life should be dealt with.

  • Chhat C. Sopanha

    Chhat C. Sopanha


    Police Khan Toul Kork, St 261, Phnom Penh, Cambodia

  • Sorendy Kith

    Sorendy Kith


    location put on wrong target 😂

  • ANITA Kapoor

    ANITA Kapoor


    We can see the location and address perfect to reach .

  • Kelvin Bamfield

    Kelvin Bamfield


    the site doesnt work

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