Phnom Penh Car Rental i Phnom Penh

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CambodjaPhnom Penh Car Rental



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Preah Sisowath Quay, 12204, Phnom Penh, Daun Penh, KH Kambodża
kontakter telefon: +855 77 978 880
internet side:
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Latitude: 11.5691709, Longitude: 104.9302939

kommentar 5

  • en

    hank William's the photos are Silcock


    Best car rental company in Phnom Penh. They provide all kind of transportation. Don't move your finger s pass just one click you will get know what you need. Clear your questions about cars with them. Thanks

  • Cambodia Taxi Service

    Cambodia Taxi Service


    This is big bus rental company in Phnom Penh. Our group hired bus to sihanoukville last month driver was carefully while driving and he is polite driver, not old not young. I like this company! I recommend them to you all. Thanks!

  • Jonathon Small

    Jonathon Small


    Charged us way more than ticket price. Is a scam as they don't have their own buses but give you tickets then put you on another companies bus. Didn't pick us up at hotel as said they would and would have missed bus if hadn't made our own way there. Absolute joke. The bus is in poor condition also.

  • en

    Long Socheat


  • Chhaya Chhaya

    Chhaya Chhaya


    Loved it

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