Monument Books & Toys i Phnom Penh

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CambodjaMonument Books & Toys



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111, Norodom Boulevard, Phnom Penh, Daun Penh, KH Kambodscha
kontakter telefon: +855 23 217 617
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Latitude: 11.559845, Longitude: 104.9270548

kommentar 5

  • Dowon Chong

    Dowon Chong


    예전 같지 않다. 책과 완구의 종류가 줄어듬. 애들과 조용히 책 읽기에 좋다.

  • Teigen Voetberg

    Teigen Voetberg


    I was purchasing books for a rural school library and they very kindly gave me a generous discount!

  • Annabelle Nightingale

    Annabelle Nightingale


    Loaded with books for all ages and all types!! Also has a childrens section for toys which is amazing!!!! definitely go to this place!!!

  • Marty Lawless

    Marty Lawless


    By far the best shop in Phnom Penh for books and toys. Huge selection of Western titles of all kinds. Could not suggest a better place to get home comforts or gifts for the family.

  • Panharith



    It is a great bookstore in town. I just got what i wanted to find there. There are many types of books. Perhaps you don't have to go there with any target book, then you might buy few books since those many books will attract you. Staffs are friendly and helpful. You just tell them any relevant information of your wanted book, then they will search it for you. Reasonable price...

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