City Center Hotel, Phnom Penh i Phnom Penh

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CambodjaCity Center Hotel, Phnom Penh



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#77, 130 St, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
kontakter telefon: +855
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Latitude: 11.5712022, Longitude: 104.926801

kommentar 5

  • Hassan



    Recommended for a stay. Nice hotel with great staff. Very good location. You will find yourself next to happening places. Strategically located.

  • Gail Powell

    Gail Powell


    The room is too small for 2 people and luggage, I asked for a bigger room, they do not have any. The restaurant? is a few tables in the LOBBY! I asked for a refund, they refused!! Not satisfactory!! Sorry I have to give 1 star.

  • Kimsath SENG

    Kimsath SENG


    I spent a night with my co-worker in this hotel when we visited Phnom Pehn. The main point of this property is staff and location. The staff there were very friendly and attentive to all details. My friend and I were warmly welcomed and the check-in process was fast and easy. And what I loved was the location. We can access to everything easily such as restaurant, Mekong River, Night Market... Breakfast service needs to be improved and I found that it was very slow. We was waiting for almost half hour for the breakfast. Finally, we got only coffee. As it was late, so we left the table without as it was almost our bus time. I will go back to this hotel next trip.

  • alexander salim

    alexander salim


    Near to the Central Market, good room and service, price also reasonable, wifi also ok, recommended for short term stay

  • en



    Very good on our experience. We stayed at the budget rooms, they are small but we didn't need anymore than that. Shower very clean and the bed is comfortable. Staff is very nice, free breakfast is good and you can choose from around 7 different dishes (and add a dollar or two for a big breakfast) and you get a drink. Had 2 problems, one is that around 8:30 each day they started working somewhere in the building with hammers and such, making it a bit hard to sleep in. Second is that there are like 5 tuk tuks lurking outside of the lobby, waiting for you and always trying to make eye contact and call you, pretty annoying, but not the hotels fault as this is public area. Overall very good!

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