Cambodian Country Club & Hotel i Phnom Penh

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CambodjaCambodian Country Club & Hotel



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Street 2004, Group 6, Sangkat Toeuk Thla, khan Sen Sok, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
kontakter telefon: +855 93 885 591
internet side:
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Latitude: 11.551252, Longitude: 104.866298

kommentar 5

  • en

    Pily Wong


    It is the only place where you can learn and ride horses, but then the price is relativrly reasonable. The swimming pool is also great and the tennis courts as well as the badminton courts are well maintained.

  • Atout Mobile Eddy RIMBON

    Atout Mobile Eddy RIMBON


    Quiet a relaxing. Nice swimming pool.

  • Evan S.

    Evan S.


    There was nothing particularly remarkable about this hotel, it was about what you would expect, and not much else. The staff was very friendly and accommodating. If you need to stop over by the airport, this place will meet your needs.

  • Eric Beck

    Eric Beck


    For Christmas our family purchased a horseback riding lesson for our daughter at the Cambodian Country Club. It was a great experience. Not only was the lesson taught really well, the grounds were a nice respite from day to day living in Phnom Penh. The food was great and the staff was helpful and attentive to our needs. It was a great experience and we will definitely be back.

  • Mony Srey

    Mony Srey


    Variety of Sport are available here.. quiet sport club. No noisy, No interruption, very quiet n clean pool. There are football field, tennis,swimming pool, horse riding..n more.

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