Cambodia Railway Station i Phnom Penh

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CambodjaCambodia Railway Station


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Saint 93, Phnom Penh, Daun Penh, KH Cambodia
kontakter telefon: +855
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Latitude: 11.5724649, Longitude: 104.9164368

kommentar 5

  • en

    kycie boo


    Beautiful station and old fashioned train still operated. They just start the airport shuttle service recently for FREE until 31july2018. A good experience to see the train crossing through the busy junction.

  • Kimneou Long

    Kimneou Long


    A renovated historical building. Nice architecture. Waiting area is clean and tidy with information screen. I took a ride to airport. The train is a renovated one but it is air-con and has proper cushion seat. It is slow at around 30kph but offer another choice to avoid traffic jam. Smooth ride and nice experience.

  • Sivansak NEY

    Sivansak NEY


    It is just newly reopened between Phnom Penh- Kampot-Sihanouk Ville every weekend and public holiday. AIrport Shuttle train is also available now. Soon the link between Phnom Penh - Serei Saophon will be launched for use. Aircon class is highly recommended. It is slow but it will be good to enjoy scenery along the way to destination.

  • ian watts

    ian watts


    Lovely place parking for scooter off to the right. Nicely restored. Worth a visit.

  • frank barning

    frank barning


    Cambodia railway station, provides only one ride Phnom Penh to Sihanoukville. There is a help desk, with all the necessary info. It's a building with open doors easy to walk in and easy to continue to the train platform. Outside the building you can buy some refreshment and snacks, inside the train station is a big waiting room. The time schedule is posted on the walls and is provided by the officials.

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