Animal Mama Veterinary Hospital & Pet Wellness Center i Phnom Penh

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CambodjaAnimal Mama Veterinary Hospital & Pet Wellness Center



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Street 500, Villa #15, Toul Tom Pong, 12312, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
kontakter telefon: +855 10 500 999
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 11.5299576, Longitude: 104.9159572

kommentar 5

  • Lee Fox-Smith

    Lee Fox-Smith


    After my first visit to Animal Mama, I was blown away by all the amazing animal projects they are involved with. They take in sick and injured animals when no one else will and do everything they can to give them a chance. The compassion and kindness they show the animals is awesome and the level of professionalism and customer service is second to none. They are much more than a Veterinary Hospital and as a social enterprise, they work to help the community with regular events and initiatives like the free vaccination and spay days. Stray and abandoned animals are given the best of care, with all the costs being covered by Animal Mama. It is rare to meet people like Yulia and Darren and we are so grateful our paths have crossed.

  • Irina Chakraborty

    Irina Chakraborty


    Great customer service, high quality of care, and incredible mission. A business with a heart

  • Virak Ellis-Roeun

    Virak Ellis-Roeun


    Professional and keen on taking care of animals.

  • Gordon G. Joseph

    Gordon G. Joseph


    You feel the love the moment you walk in! Great, experienced and professional team. Animals are almost all cuddle friendly

  • en

    Cyclop L


    Professional doctor and service. Highly recommend.

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